Well what can I say? who are we? well we are just a rag tag bunch of keeno’s that like bikes and cool stuff, That about sums it up right? no?

Well how about we try talking about this site instead, the aim here is to bring you custom fans useful info on things like biker gear, parts for your trusty steed and picture feeds of bikes we’re digging. Also we are going to throw in a couple of winter build threads, some useful how to guides for your own project and a readers steed section, basically an online version of the pub or workshop chin wag.

We want this site to be your’s and want you to be a part of it, if you would like to submit any articles for consideration or have a topic that you would like discussing, or a product you want reviewed let us know! also if any of you builders out there fancy having your build featured please get in touch even if you feel you want help writing it get in touch via the contact page

Ultimately we want happy choppers to be a laugh and maybe learn a thing along the way so bring a beer and enjoy!